Forum / Thickness of oven cladding wood burning oven


Cladding is referred as additional layer for absorbing heat inside of oven. After placing regular building bricks on the top of pizza oven, it needs to clay properly. This layer helps to absorb extra heat for baking pizza properly. In pizza oven at first heavy fire is made and then it is allowed to warm inside properly. At this time, cladding layer absorbs heat which is used to bake pizza later. Some advantages of using cladding include:

  • It stores extra energy
  • As cladding store energy for long time, you can use this heat to bake any item after completing pizza baking
  • It makes slow drop in temperature in pizza oven
  • It improves the efficiency of pizza oven

Now, it may be a question that what thickness will be best for cladding? Many experts answer this question in many ways. For concrete cladding you can apply 2 inch on the dome. You can add color cement with cladding, which will help to make your pizza oven attractive. At first, you have to place aluminum foil layer on the bricks, which will prevent water absorption during raining. Then you have to place mortar with a thickness 2 inch on the aluminum foil using trowel.

For concrete cladding you can follow a standard ratio of concrete blend, Portland cement and lime, which is 4:1:1. You should mix these dry ingredients by using shovel. After proper mixing you have to add water to make a paste. After pouring concrete cladding mixture, you have to allow at least three days for settling properly. Then you can go into further progress.