Proper Use of Self-Leveling Compound
It is a necessary step for applying a self-leveling compound when refinishing, with a fresh concrete surface, an old concrete floor. And on how to apply a primer before mixing and applying the self leveling compound, this will involve assessing and cleaning the existing surface as shown on these directions for our first part of our how to. On this segment, you will also learn how to correct techniques, once it is mixed, and to apply compound.
Step 1: For the Leveling of Floor Area, Measure First concrete.
With the floor area of concrete, measure first the full length and width. With this process you will be enabled for the task to purchase the correct quantity of primer and self-leveling compound.
Step 2: Cleaning Concrete Surface.
With a stiff-bristled push broom in hand, you can thoroughly sweep the surface of the concrete right then after sprinkle dry sawdust over any grease or oil spots as you allow the sawdust to rest overnight. The following day you can now sweep up the sawdust and discard it in trash. You can again repeat this process if any oil residue still remains then after you can dust the area with dry cement powder. Sweep up the floor after leaving powder overnight to absorb any oil left. As you discard this used cement in the trash, you make sure you do not rinse this off the floor into the sewer system.
Step 3: Laying Strips of Rubber Threshold
Lay rubber threshold strips across all doorways with the concrete floor into the area. This process will prevent the seepage of the primer by self leveling compound and into other rooms or outdoors your final concrete pour.
Step 4: Application of Concrete Surface Primer
In a long narrow section you can now pour the surface primer onto the floor. With the length of the surface, spread this out in rows over the floor by using a soft-bristled long broom. And with a penciled circle you can mark the spot, while sweeping out excess primer from the hollows as you draw around the ridge areas a rectangle. And to level out the ridges you can use the power sander once the primer has dried. You can now sweep off the sander dust right after.
Step 5: Mixing Self-Leveling Compound
According to the directions on the compound bags, add 9 of 10 parts or 90% water, which is required to mix the compound in the mixing drum. Leveling an average garage floor will take 2 bags of compound. Before turning it on, attach the mixing paddle to the power drill. To avoid lumps, ask your assistant to slowly pour the mix of compound into the mixing drum, while mixing up in 20 to 30 minutes as much as you can apply. While you may not need it all, add slowly the remaining water once the compound is blended evenly. To smooth the self-leveling compound, continue your stirring for 2 more minutes with the paddle.
Step 6: Pouring Self-Leveling Compound.
In long thin strips for about a width of 12 inches, pour now the self-leveling compound onto the concrete. And while you work towards the exit, you first start at the farthest edge from you exit doorway.
You can now proceed to our Part 2 to continue our DIY lesson. With the next lesson, you will now learn on how to spread the compound mixture then mix more compound to complete the task, and also about the compound’s drying times and lastly on how to lightly sand to create the best finish right after your work.