Forum / Cob oven pdf


Cob oven is made using four main items; clay, sand, subsoil, and straw. Based on the natural availability of these materials, cob oven is one of the pizza ovens that you can build affordability by using locally sourced and recycled materials. However, it is the process of mixing the various requirements and the process of making the cob oven that evades many.

Building cob oven

There are numerous credible online sources that provide complete procedures on how to build cob oven. The majority of these are in pdf formats and all you have to do is access them, download them unto your device, and slowly go over them to understand every concept and procedure.

Then you are good to go! In case you hit a snag in the building process, there is now harm is referring back to your cob oven pdf.

Further informationWood Fired Pizza Oven Building Plans and Types of wood fired pizza ovens