Forum / Building a pompeii oven out of recycled materials


Pompeii oven is one of the most common ovens for home based use. This oven can be built with locally sourced and recycled materials as a strategy to cut down the costs of building the oven. The standard Pompeii oven is build with fire bricks, but you can use recycled bricks or adobe bricks build locally. For the dome, you can create your own frame by using materials bought from the local store shop and the smoke chimney; you can use a steel or iron bar large enough. Generally speaking, if you are experienced in building the Pompeii oven, any material can be recycled as required.

For example, the oven door can be made with recycled metal on the inner side and wood from unused bed materials on the outer side. To prevent direct contact between the metal and the wooden part, use insulating fillers in between the two.

Further information: How to build a pizza ovenWood Fired Pizza Oven Building Plans, and Types of wood fired pizza ovens