Amount of Ash in Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked


In 100 g (Grams) of Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked there is 3.98 g of Ash. Change amount

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Ash is a nutrient present in many other foods. The below table lists foods high in Ash other than Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked.

Salt, table 99.8 g 99.8%
Seasoning mix, dry, sazon, coriander & annatto 99.8 g 99.8%
Desserts, rennin, tablets, unsweetened 72.5 g 72.5%
Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, straight phosphate 71.8 g 71.8%
Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, sodium aluminum sulfate 67.3 g 67.3%
Soup, beef broth, cubed, dry 59.3 g 59.3%
Soup, chicken broth cubes, dry 54.7 g 54.7%
Soup, beef broth or bouillon, powder, dry 54.5 g 54.5%
Soup, chicken broth or bouillon, dry 49.18 g 49.18%
Leavening agents, baking powder, low-sodium 46.4 g 46.4%
Leavening agents, baking soda 36.9 g 36.9%
Leavening agents, cream of tartar 36.8 g 36.8%
Seasoning mix, dry, taco, original 31.8 g 31.8%
Gravy, au jus, dry 30.94 g 30.94%
Jellyfish, dried, salted 25.1 g 25.1%
Soup, onion, dry, mix 23.31 g 23.31%
Seaweed, Canadian Cultivated EMI-TSUNOMATA, dry 23.03 g 23.03%
Sauce, fish, ready-to-serve 20.22 g 20.22%
Parsley, freeze-dried 19.12 g 19.12%
Seeds, sisymbrium sp. seeds, whole, dried 18.9 g 18.9%

Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked

Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked is a type of Snacks. The most significant nutrients in Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked are listed below.

Water 1.4 g 1.4%
Energy (calorie) 469 kcal
Energy (joule) 1964 kJ
Protein 5 g 5%
Total lipid (fat) 18.2 g 18.2%
Ash 3.98 g 3.98%
Carbohydrate, by difference 71.4 g 71.4%
Fiber, total dietary 4.8 g 4.8%
Sugars, total 5.01 g 5.01%
Calcium, Ca 125 mg 0.12%
Iron, Fe 0.8 mg
Magnesium, Mg 43 mg 0.04%
Phosphorus, P 274 mg 0.27%
Potassium, K 721 mg 0.72%
Sodium, Na 536 mg 0.54%
Zinc, Zn 0.45 mg
Copper, Cu 0.104 mg
Selenium, Se 8.1 µg
Fluoride, F 105.5 µg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0 mg

Nutrients in Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked