Amount of Vitamin B-6 in Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana


In 100 g (Grams) of Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana there is 0.082 mg of Vitamin B-6. Change amount

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Vitamin B-6

Vitamin B-6 is a nutrient present in many other foods. The below table lists foods high in Vitamin B-6 other than Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana.

Beverages, Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, low calorie, powder 8 mg 0.01%
Beverages, fruit-flavored drink, powder, with high vitamin C with other added vitamins, low calorie 8 mg 0.01%
Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Enriched Wheat Bran flakes 6.8 mg 0.01%
Babyfood, cookies 5.899 mg 0.01%
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Double Chocolate Nut Bar 4.525 mg
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Honey Nut Oat Bar 4.525 mg
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Energy Bar, all flavors 4.525 mg
Peppers, pasilla, dried 4.228 mg
Rice bran, crude 4.07 mg
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D 3.75 mg
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, stick/tub/bottle, without salt, with added vitamin D 3.75 mg
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt 3.75 mg
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, stick/tub/bottle, without salt 3.75 mg
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Chewy Chocolate Peanut Bar 3.636 mg
Peppers, ancho, dried 3.535 mg
Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, CORN BURSTS 3.23 mg
Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, Fruity DYNO-BITES 2.74 mg
Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, OAT BLENDERS with honey & almonds 2.69 mg
Spices, sage, ground 2.69 mg

Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana

Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana is a type of Beverages. The most significant nutrients in Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana are listed below.

Water 90.28 g 90.28%
Energy (calorie) 37 kcal
Energy (joule) 154 kJ
Protein 1.22 g 1.22%
Total lipid (fat) 0 g
Ash 0.33 g 0.33%
Carbohydrate, by difference 8.16 g 8.16%
Fiber, total dietary 0 g
Sugars, total 7.35 g 7.35%
Calcium, Ca 41 mg 0.04%
Iron, Fe 0.15 mg
Potassium, K 24 mg 0.02%
Sodium, Na 29 mg 0.03%
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 24.5 mg 0.02%
Niacin 0.816 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.082 mg
Vitamin B-12 0.24 µg
Vitamin A, IU 408 IU
Fatty acids, total saturated 0 g
Fatty acids, total trans 0 g

Nutrients in Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana