Amount of Starch in Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER


In 100 g (Grams) of Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER there is 0 g of Starch. Change amount

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Starch is a nutrient present in many other foods. The below table lists foods high in Starch other than Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER.

Rice, brown, parboiled, dry, UNCLE BEN'S 73.83 g 73.83%
Rice, white, long-grain, precooked or instant, enriched, dry 73.77 g 73.77%
Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, yellow 73.3 g 73.3%
Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, white 73.3 g 73.3%
Cornmeal, degermed, unenriched, white 73.3 g 73.3%
Cornmeal, degermed, unenriched, yellow 73.3 g 73.3%
Snacks, pretzels, hard, plain, salted 72.58 g 72.58%
Rice, brown, long-grain, raw (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program) 72.51 g 72.51%
Crackers, gluten-free, multigrain and vegetable, made with corn starch and white rice flour 71.9 g 71.9%
RICE-A-RONI, chicken flavor, unprepared 71.6 g 71.6%
Rice and vermicelli mix, rice pilaf flavor, unprepared 71.23 g 71.23%
Potatoes, mashed, dehydrated, flakes without milk, dry form 70.6 g 70.6%
Millet flour 69.88 g 69.88%
Rice and vermicelli mix, beef flavor, unprepared 69.7 g 69.7%
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, unenriched, dry 68.29 g 68.29%
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, enriched, dry 68.29 g 68.29%
Cereals, corn grits, white, regular and quick, enriched, dry 68.23 g 68.23%
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, enriched 68.01 g 68.01%
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, unenriched 68.01 g 68.01%
Sorghum flour, whole-grain 68 g 68%

Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER

Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER is a type of Beverages. The most significant nutrients in Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER are listed below.

Water 92.77 g 92.77%
Energy (calorie) 41 kcal
Energy (joule) 170 kJ
Protein 0.36 g 0.36%
Total lipid (fat) 0 g
Ash 0.11 g 0.11%
Carbohydrate, by difference 2.97 g 2.97%
Fiber, total dietary 0 g
Glucose (dextrose) 0 g
Fructose 0 g
Maltose 0 g
Starch 0 g
Calcium, Ca 4 mg
Iron, Fe 0 mg
Magnesium, Mg 7 mg 0.01%
Phosphorus, P 13 mg 0.01%
Potassium, K 33 mg 0.03%
Sodium, Na 3 mg
Zinc, Zn 0 mg
Copper, Cu 0.003 mg

Nutrients in Alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, BUDWEISER