Forum / Concrete mixture for pizza ovens


Concrete is a major requirement in almost all pizza oven constructions therefore, you will very likely need concrete mix when building your pizza oven, be it as the brick bidding materials or for the finishing coat.

Concrete mix is available through two main ways; you do it yourself or buy the packaged commercially available concrete mix. The second option is a good one but it raises the costs of building a pizza oven therefore; the DIY option is financially better.

To produce your own concrete mix is easy as long as you have the required materials; cement, sand, and aggregate. With the three, you need to mix them in the right ratio to achieve the right firmness. According to the builders association, the right ratio is 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand, and three parts of aggregate then mix with water to the right thickness. To avoid wastage, approximate the “part” with the area to be covered and depth.

Further informationHow to build a pizza ovenBuild a wood burning clay pizza oven, and Proper Use of Self-Leveling Compound